Sitemap - 2022 - O.G. Rose

The Imperative to Update Logic

The Impossibility of Fulfilling Desire Is the Possibility of Intrinsic Motivation

From Hume to Hegel

Philosophy & Literature

Collective Consciousness and Trust

Considering "The Net (1-13)"

Learning to Speak

The Modern Counter-Enlightenment

Ambition, Endurance, and Passion

Speaking Back, the Circling Cypher and Centering of Negative Space, and Proposing Hope

Fiction Is the Mathematics of the Humanities

Do Not Ask "Has It Been Said?" but "Has It Been Heard?"

"True Infinity" Overcomes

"Like Christ" After the Death of the Scapegoat

Seeking a Blueprint Instead of an Essence

The VORD (Part 4)

The VORD (Part 3)

Philosophy As Writing Down Notes for a Presentation We Then Throw Away

The VORD (Part 2)

The VORD (Part 1)

A Philosophy of Glimpses

"Getting to Philosophy"


Living With the Meta-Question

Picking Better Times to Think “Nothing Matters"

The Life Choices of the Phenomenologically Ignorant

Space for Cognition and the Phenomenology of Intricacies

Risk, Relevance, and Ritual

We Do Not Want To Choose As Much as We Want To Be Chosen


We Think When We Think a Thought to Its Failure

Health and Thinking for Ourselves

Adding Daily Life to a Gallery, Institutional Adaption, and Endless Decisions

The Incentives and Passions of Bad Memory

The Net

Addressing the Meaning Crisis by Forgetting Everything

Thoughts by O.G. Rose

Belonging Again (Part 35)

The Contradiction Choice

The Unintended Consequence of Seizing Too Much Power

Leadership Occurs Where Knowledge Is Incomplete

Accidents Uncover Substance

Enter the Alien

Humans Paint In "The State of Nature"

How Do Humans Solve Problems and There Still Be Mysteries?

Belonging Again (Part 34)

The Unknowable and the Unknown

How Mediums Educate and Intelligence Explores

The "Transcendental Memology" of Chad A. Haag

Alterology and “A = A”

Relationships and Concealment

The Lacanian "New Sincerity" of Drive My Car

A Valuable Life

Ideology and “Men Against Fire”

The Phenomenology of the Artist

The Euthyphro Dilemma of Plato

Critiquing Assumptions Between "Manifestation" and "Reality"

Belonging Again (Part 33)

Sleeping With Humanity

Negation, Repetition, and the Tensions Between Writing and Speaking

Belonging Again (Part 32)

There Can Be Faces, But Not Hearts

Dialectical Thinking Is the Best Bet

The True Isn't the Rational

Belonging Again (Part 31)

The Invisible Costs and Cycles of Diverting Focus


If the Word Dies

Thinking Here and Thinking There

The Best of All Possible Prisons

Belonging Again (Part 30)

The Two Pandemoniums of C.P. Snow

Replacing “The Trolley Problem” with “The Ballistic Missile Defense Problem”

The Dialectic Between Creativity and Energy

The Phenomenology of Voice

Thesis, Antithesis, and Synthesis

Belonging Again (Part 29)

Transitional Metaphors Are Not Mixed Metaphors

Meaning and Distinction

The Project of Anselm's Proslogion

Belonging Again (Part 28)

Nonrational Responsibility as Ontological Necessity

Rational Sets

On Typography

Belonging Again (Part 27)

The Most Rational and Suboptimal of All Possible Worlds

Belonging Again (Part 26)

The Human, the Subject, and the Paradoxical "Human Subject"

Call of Design

Metaskills, Indirectness, and Power

Belonging Again (Part 25)

Notes on O.G. Rose Conversation #60 with Dr. Cadell Last

Belonging Again (Part 24)

Why Does Anselm's Ontological Argument Haunt Us?

The Fire of Learners

Approaching Technological Singularity and Harmonizing RSIs

Belonging Again (Part 23)

The Holding and the Flow

To Debate or To Discuss

The Exit of References

Belonging Again (Part 22)

Freedoms to Recognize

Labels, Names, and Poems

Is Putin a Thomas More Who Caved?

On Family and The Sound and the Fury

Belonging Again (Part 21)

A Late Letter to Tolstoy

Geometry, Astronomy, and Platonic Forms As Ordering Principles

The Socratic Embodiment (Part 2)

Introspection, Empathy, Judgement, and Justice

The Socratic Embodiment (Part I)

The Rationality of Freedom Relative to Ethics, Hermeneutic Binding, and the Correlation Between Diversity and Systemization

The Tragic Tradeoff Between Ideological Negotiation and Systematic Programing

Belonging Again (Part 20)

Outside Catastrophes and Inside The Real

The Knowledge Problem

Belonging Again (Part 19)

Utterance As Exception

Phenomenological Pragmaticism

The Four Arrows

Notes on "Game B: A Dark Renaissance Response w/ Alexander Bard, Cadell Last, Owen Cox, and Raven Connolly"

Objectifying Objects

Giving Them What

How Is It That People Come To Understand That It Is Truly Important To Understand What Is Truly Important?

The Game Theory on Why Many Conversations Are Bad and Democracy Likely Doomed

Belonging Again (Part 18)

The Life of Interpretation

Belonging Again (Part 17)

Negation Versus Effacement