Mar 20Liked by O.G. Rose

It seems man's quest isn't so much for rest, but fulfillment, and neither meaning nor belonging alone results in fulfillment, even though sometimes we try to convince ourselves that it can or does. Therefore, the solution isn't to pursue one or the other independently, as was so rightly pointed out. However, that which brings fulfillment, also results in meaning and belonging. And there's good reason for this.

Meaning and belonging are akin to the vertical and horizontal, ontological aspects of who we are as human beings. A life without meaning lacks in the vertical. A life without belonging lacks in the horizontal. Both are an ontological impossibility, though. To seek fulfillment without one or the other is ontologically unsettling to humans and is experienced as every manner of unfulfillment.

To think we can find or even create meaning in the horizontal, relative aspects of life alone is delusion. Likewise, to look for belonging in the vertical, transcendent aspect of life alone is equally deluded. Yet we also know by experience that meaning can be found in belonging and belonging found in meaning. The truth is that the vertical is revealed in and through the horizontal, and the horizontal is revealed as the vertical. This is because, like the horizontal and vertical, meaning and belonging are not-separate. Ultimately, meaning is inherent to belonging and belonging is inherent to meaning. We don't simply have a "meaning problem" or a "belonging problem." We have a meaning-belonging problem that is ontological, and the solution is non-dual.

The reality isn't just that we need both, but that we are both. To realize both is to live an integrated life. This is what everyone's after, ultimately, whether they're conscious of it or not. We are deeply unsatisfied and unfulfilled in life because we're not actualizing our inherent wholeness - we are living disintegrated lives. We are (wholly - holy) persons to the extent that we live consciously from the horizontal and vertical nexus of our being. This is experienced as profound fulfillment that infuses our life with meaning and belonging.

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This is something I'd love to have you on to talk about. Excellent piece! Super important topic, especially for timenergy theory!! Goes well with the Afterword from Waypoint.

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