Brilliant stuff here, as usual.

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Thanks for saying so, Ross! Appreciate you checking this piece out. Hope you have been well!

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Eco stolen of ecology eco nometics, naming the measure without seeing the waste (first law of energy) competition of positive gains.

To speak of entropy in a place of gravity with little escape of facts as business as usual can not conceptually agree on the very narrow band we exist in, for now.

Liminality requires language recognition beyond semantics, ambiguity and the absence of the demand economy, divorce economy, hate economy and the division of education that removed the village for a factory with human rights of passage, the corporate ‘body’ of its everyday language based on promises and spells.

What part of a carbon petro dollar can not notice the smoking?

Only a burned calorific liquid ‘300 trillion in carbon petro dollars to burn back in to returns, looks sane to the machine that has no feelings.

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