This remark sticks out to me as very important: "Religion can be used in service of ideology, and yet a role of 21st Century religion is precisely to keep “religion” and “ideology” separate."

Here let me re-quote a particularly insightful remark from your presentation "On Analysis Communitas":

“Religion needs to be more like real situations in which you can see what it takes to rise to the goal of a specific community.”

One that takes the primacy of the self-relation to specific contradictions within relational constellations.

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Excellently put, my friend, and I appreciate the incorporation of the SOL Conference Presentation. "Situation" is what we must think to counter falling into a thoughtless ideology, and if we don't think "situationally," we will still end up in something like it (a conspiracy, an ideology, etc.), and then we will lack the form to understand what we have ended up in, let alone know how to move on. Also, "relational constellations" is a beautiful and useful phrase.

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